Cardiff Full Gospel Assembly

"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever" Hebrews 13:8


No Condemnation - Ron Borthwick (Cardiff, 15 June)

Shekinah and Josh's Baptisms, (Cardiff, 10 May)

Easter-time Convention Sun PM: God's Plan For Healing Our Bodies (Tommy McKinstry, 20 April)

Study Notes for "God's Plan For Healing Our Bodies" (Scriptures and sermon quotes from Bro William Branham)

As presented by Bro Tommy on projector during meeting:

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Easter-time Convention Sat PM: This Present Evil World Pt.2 (Tommy McKinstry, 19 April)

Easter-time Convention Fri PM: This Present Evil World Pt.1 (Tommy McKinstry, 18 April)

50th Wedding Anniversary Presentation (Cardiff, 23 February)

Fellowship Meal (Cardiff, 4 January)

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Our prayer is that these recordings will be a blessing to you.